Stay connected with your University with just a single click!

Instant Chime addresses the needs of a well-known University, providing them the power to connect with their students in a more efficient way. Chime has empowered their service desk so that students get the help they need faster, eliminating the frustration of waiting. Universities realize that students do not want to waste time searching for answers to issues that could be addressed in minutes. Instant Chime is a simple click-to-chat help desk resolution tool for the productive student.

The IT Computer Support Coordinator with the University using Chime recently stated, “We have been using Chime to support our student population in the library. Since the library has over 300 computers across three floors and we are located on the first floor, Chime has allowed us to provide click-to-chat support to students at various areas in the library. We use it to answer questions, or dispatch a technician to meet with the student. It allows the student to not have to pack everything up then walk over to see us.”

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For more questions visit:

UCWA 2.0 and Skype for Business online: Create an Azure AD application


Creating Outages in Chime