Enterprise AI Chat Applications
Chat Apps With or Without AI to Quickly Solve Employee Problems
Instant Chat for Microsoft Teams
Deployed as an ‘on premise’ or hosted application. Instant Chime for Microsoft Teams uses chat to connect employees with the service desk using Microsoft Teams. Route employee’s chat requests to agents using the MS Teams, a browser based chat client, or any Microsoft Bot Framework channel. Quickly add click to chat features to your service desk including custom bots, live routing to agents, language translation, and robust reporting.
Instant Chat for Slack
Instant Chime for Slack is Designed to integrate directly into your Slack client and allow your employees to chat directly to your helpdesk. Chime for Slack is currently in a production environment currently supporting over 250,000 employees and routing more than 2,000 chats a day.
Instant Chime for HCL Sametime
Instant Chime for IBM Sametime is designed to enable service desk functionality utilizing your Sametime deployment. Route inbound chat requests to agents using the Sametime client, or a browser based chat client. Instant Chime also support XMPP for an IM based service desk.
Instant Team Sessions for HCL Sametime
Enables encrypted and secure browser-based persistent chat rooms for HCL Sametime - in large scale deployments since 2005
Instant Chime V5 - AI Chat for Microsoft Teams
AI Chat deployed as a Software as a Service application (SaaS) creates an AI enabled chat based service desk for IT, HR, or your web site. Route inbound chats to agents or deliver AI based conversational chat workflows. Index your Microsoft SharePoint content or use our FAQ system to improve the chat experience. Quickly enable your service desk custom bots, live routing to agents, language translation, and robust reporting.
HR Auditor for Microsoft S4B
Instant HR Auditor for Microsoft Lync is designed to enable customers to quickly search, view and export chat conversations stored within their Lync archive database. Instant Archive Viewer has been replaced with Instant HR Auditor for Lync.