Chime - Ask the Expert for Microsoft Lync

Chime, our recently announced service desk application for Microsoft Lync provides an excellent platform for an enterprise ask the expert service.  Chime is the next generation of our popular Queue Manager application, which is an expertise location platform for IBM Sametime. 

Chime provides the ability to quickly deploy 'click to chat' and ask the expert functionality within an enterprise, without complex SIP programming or complex Lync configuration.

In Chime, each help desk queue is configured using a simple browser based user interface.  Each service desk 'queue' can be configured to support either agents (experts) - and these agents, or experts, may be maintained using either individual accounts or Active Directory groups.

When a customer requests help from the system, the customer provides some metadata about the request (for example name, email address, question) and the Chime platform will locate an expert in real-time to provide assistance.  Both the expertise routing, and subsequent conversation, will be brokered using the Microsoft Lync platform and the expert and customer may us IM, voice, video, or application sharing during the session.

Once an expert has been located, the conversation may be escalated to any of the modalities supported by Microsoft Lync.  For example, the customer may share their screen, the expert may share their video, or the customer and expert may both review an excel sheet to discuss questions such as a loan plan or investment considerations.

Chime is designed to connect employees with experts - in real time using Microsoft Lync.

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How Can I View Lync lcslog IM Conversations


Instant Chime - Integrate Microsoft Lync with Salesforce for Help Desk Application