Local Lync client presence on a web page
We've staged up an example off of our website of a simple test for invoking some functionality from a user's local Lync client installed on their machine using JavaScript. This of course requires Internet Explorer 8+ and a Lync client that is running. The JavaScript itself is very straightforward, and I'll include it below with the link.
var Instant = {
sipUri: "",
// Load up the NAME.dll functionality
nameCtl: new ActiveXObject('Name.NameCtrl.1'),
// Watch status changes
onStatusChange: function (name, status, id) {
//alert(name + ", " + status + ", " + id);
// Shows the Lync widget UI
showOOUI: function () {
Instant.nameCtl.ShowOOUI(Instant.sipUri, 0, 15, 15);
// Hides the Lync widget UI
hideOOUI: function () {
// Opens the full Lync widget menu
openInfoPane: function () {
// Builds the Lync widget
// This creates a HTML <span> element with all of the necessary Lync functions built in as
// onmouseout, onmouseover, onclick selectors.
buildWidget: function () {
var lyncWidget = document.createElement("span");
var container = $("#lync-widget");
lyncWidget.setAttribute("onmouseover", "Instant.showOOUI()");
lyncWidget.setAttribute("onmouseout", "Instant.hideOOUI()");
lyncWidget.setAttribute("onclick", "Instant.openInfoPane()");
lyncWidget.setAttribute("style", "border-style:dashed;border-width:1px;border-color:#ccc;padding:5px;");
lyncWidget.setAttribute("id", "presence-widget");
Simply add a SIP URI (formatted: johndoe@acme.com) into the box and hit start. If you hover over the users name, it should show the full Lync widget.