Queue Manage V4 Updates -

This week, we have been extremely busy adding additional enhancements to Queue Manager V4.  All of the enhancements are a direct result of customer feedback and customer requests. 

By default, the system has been enabled to notify experts when a person is waiting in the queue. The broadcast options for the queue will determine the expert notification settings.  We know that the notification system for experts is very important and we will continue to invest time, and design ideas, on this area. 

In addition to sending IM alerts on Sametime, Microsoft OCS, and XMPP, we now also support the ability to alert experts using Twitter.  If the expert is not online in an IM system, then we can send the expert a tweet and let them know that someone is waiting in the queue and needs help.  Our directory system now supports some additional fields necessary for the Twitter support.

Updated web client so that it can be easily configured by the installation process.  Now all files use relative path and settings are saved in a single file.  This should dramatically improve the ability to quickly customize and deploy the web client

Updated the plug-in to support Sametime Connect 8.5.  The updated plugin also supports server based text replies, the ability to accept multiple chat conversations, and the embedded monitoring panel.  The monitoring panel has also been updated to show the high level queue activity as well as a drill down details level view of each queue.

In order to help provide experts with standard replies, we have added the ability to store, and manage, server based text replies within the administrative system.  These server based text resources are integrated into the Sametime plugin.

The Sametime plugin retrieves the list of server based replies and provides the list to the expert using a custom icon:

Updated ITF so that newly created Queue comes online without restarting Apache.

Updating LDAP browser code to support sorting of entries

Added support for $surveyURL

More information on surveys will be available next week. 



Sending messages to off-line users of Microsoft Communicator


Updates to Archive Viewer for Microsoft OCS